Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Monsoons Are Here

For the past week we have been receiving rain almost every day.  The grass and plants around the mission are in full bloom after not having rain for a couple of months.  We give thanks to God for the monsoon season that comes every summer to make the White Mountains green and lush for at least a few months of the year.
We're gearing up for our vacation in a couple of weeks, so I have been feverishness preparing bulletins and sermons for the next couple of weeks as well as for the weeks after I return.  I've also been working on some more projects around the mission and my home to get ready for the school year.  Today RenĂ©, Darrell Dobberpuhl, Ella, Ben, Owen, and myself cleaned out the computer lab so that RenĂ© can set up her art classroom there.  She will be volunteer teaching at East Fork again this year.